Our Book Reviews So Far of the Official Thyssen-Aufarbeitung ‘Thyssen in the 20th Century. Family – Enterprises – Public’, Fritz Thyssen Foundation, Ferdinand Schoeningh Verlag Paderborn (scroll down for german version)
Following the publication of our book ‘The Thyssen Art Macabre’ (Quartet Books, London, 2007), the Fritz Thyssen Foundation finally commissioned its own Aufarbeitung, namely a series of ten academic books under the title ‘Thyssen in the 20th Century. Family – Enterprises – Public’, publication of which began in 2014.
We have so far reviewed five of these works (click on title to see review):
1) Alexander Donges: The United Steelworks under National Socialism. Concern Politics between Market Economy and State Economy
2) Thomas Urban: Forced Labour at Thyssen. United Steelworks and Baron-Concern during World War Two
3) Johannes Gramlich: The Thyssens as Art Collectors. Investment and Symbolic Capital (1900-1970)
4a) Simone Derix: The Thyssens. Family and Fortune
(and specifically about the Rechnitz Massacre):
4b) Simone Derix Shrouds Thyssen Guilt
5a) Felix de Taillez: Two Burghers Lives in the Public Eye. The Brothers Fritz Thyssen and Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza
(with the following two additions):
5b) Fritz Thyssen and the Forced Sterilisation of 400,000 Germans
5c) The Fritz Thyssen Foundation Admits its Role in Banishing the Shadows of the Family’s Nazi Past

Georg Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza (‘Heini Junior’) (19.03.1950 – 30.09.2022) I liked ‘Heini Junior’, because he trusted us to write his father’s history. As did his father! May they both Rest In Peace. (photo copyright Nomis Foundation Zürich)
Tags: Alexander Donges, Art Collectors, Aufarbeitung, Baron Concern, Family, Felix de Taillez, Forced Labour, forced sterilisation, fortune, Fritz Thyssen, Fritz Thyssen Foundation, guilt, Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza, Investment, Johannes Gramlich, London, national socialism, Quartet Books, Rechnitz Massacre, Simone Derix, The Thyssen Art Macabre, the Thyssens, Thomas Urban, Thyssen in the 20th century, United Steelworks, World War Two
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