
Pictures from ‘The Thyssen Art Macabre’. Copyright David R. L. Litchfield (except where noted).
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The American heiress Louise Price and the Hungarian ‘Baron’ Gabor Bornemisza in 1883. The start of the Hungarian connection.
Rohoncz Castle. The Thyssen-Bornemiszas’ country seat and scene of the Rechnitz atrocity. Heini Thyssen with his parents, his sister Gaby and ‘Old August’ in the garden at Scheveningen. Hermann Göring and Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza celebrating victory at the German Derby in 1936 (photo: Zinsel, Darmstadt)
The three Thyssen brothers: Heinrich, August Junior and Fritz, at Villa Favorita in Lugano in September 1938. Margit Batthyany-Thyssen collecting prizes for her father’s Erlenhof racing stables in Vienna in 1942. (photo: Menzendorf, Berlin) Heini Thyssen entering his playboy period with Nina Dyer at the Hotel du Cap d’Antibes in 1953. The Düsseldorf branch of the August-Thyssen-Bank.
Fiona Campbell-Walter, the twelfth Baroness Thyssen-Bornemisza (photo: Henry Clarke, copyright Conde Nast Publications). Heini Thyssen on board ‘Hanse’. Heini and ‘Tita’ Cervera, the fifteenth Baroness Thyssen-Bornemisza, at his 79th birthday in Madrid (photo: David R L Litchfield).
The path from Villa Favorita.