Sunday Telegraph Quotes Nazi Atrocity ‘Denialist’ Wolfgang Benz

In today’s article on the forthcoming trial of John Demjanjuk, alleged participator in Jewish mass murders, Wolfgang Benz, head of the Centre for Anti-Semitism Research at the Technical University of Berlin, is quoted as being enthusiastic about the trial as he believes that ‘dealing with [Germany’s Nazi] past is extremely important’, even if the aforementioned Demjanjuk is only ‘a small cog’. Unfortunately Wolfgang Benz is less enthusiastic when it comes to dealing with the ‘big cogs’. When I wrote a feature in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung concerning Heini Thyssen’s sister’s involvement in the slaughter of 180 Hungarian Jews at a party at their Austrian castle in Rechnitz in 1945, Wolfgang Benz immediately lept to her defence by denying the event ever took place. Even various German journalists, embarrassed by his denial, admitted that it wasn’t the first time that he had made such a questionable comment.

'Nazi Denialist' Wolfgang Benz

'Nazi Denialist' Wolfgang Benz

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