Posts Tagged ‘Malaga Thyssen Museum’

Is Thyssen’s Tomas Llorens A Builder Or A Curator?

Something is puzzling me.

Tomas Llorens Serra, ex-director of the Madrid Thyssen Museum, and now chief advisor of Carmen Thyssen on her planned Malaga Thyssen Museum, many years ago, told me personally that his academic background had been as a student of architecture at Portsmouth University in England, where he received his degree as an architect.

Of course, this would, in theory at least, qualify him to be part of the company (named by Miguel Ferrary in an article entitled ‘Disenar las entranas del Thyssen’ in ‘La Opinion De Malaga’ on 15 December 2009 as being ‘Nova Kiterea, based in Valencia’ – Mr Llorens’s hometown -, ‘created in August 2008 and of which Tomas Llorens is a ‘socio apoderado’) that is building the new cultural centre of Malaga, where Tita Thyssen, his ex-boss, is threatening to house her collection, or part of it. But it would not qualify him as an art historian or as a curator.

Perhaps this is the reason why on his CV at he misses out all references to architecture and concentrates on the fields of law, aesthetics, philosophy and literature, which he seems to think did qualify him as an art historian.

(This comment was also posted by me today on this site at Diariosur newspaper, but taken down after 10 minutes. Not the first time, I might add, that a newspaper (Spanish or English for that matter) has censored my comments on the Thyssens! As the saying goes: ‘Just because you’re paranoid, doesn’t mean that they’re not trying to get you!…..)


Is this man big enough for the job?

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